Common Sydney Snakes
A quick look at some of the most commonly encountered snakes in Sydney.
The following is intended as a general guide only.
Any snake bite should be treated as potentially life-threatening, and immediate medical attention must be sought.
Red Bellied Black Snake. Up to 1.5m. Regarded as being able to deliver a potentially fatal bite to humans.
Swamp Snake. Up to around 50cm. Bites normally result in localised symptoms and are not regarded as dangerous to humans.
Yellow Faced Whip Snake. Around 80cm. The white around the eye is a distinctive characteristic of this species. Venomous, though not regarded as being dangerous to humans. Bites typically result in localised symptoms.
An adult Eastern Brown Snake. This species is responsible for more fatalities in Australia than any other species.
A juvenile Eastern Brown Snake. The distinctive banding will fade as the snake matures as will normally be completely absent in adults.
Golden Crowned Snake. A nocturnal species reaching around 50cm in length. Bites are rare and the venom typically results in localised symptoms.
Brown Tree Snake. An arboreal species with distinctive large eyes. A rear fanged snake that has an impressive threat display. Bites are not regarded as being life threatening and normally result in local symptoms.
Diamond Python. A large slow moving species that lacks venom, though is capable of inflicting a serious bite.